New CLO-001 dumps contain 275 exam questions and answers and are the best material for preparing for the CompTIA Cloud Essentials certification exam.
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Read the latest free CLO-001 Dumps exam questions and answers online:
Number of exam questions | Exam name | From | Release time |
15 | CompTIA Cloud Essentials Exam | leads4pass | Dec 17, 2021 |
New Question 1:
Why is it important to consider the cloud ecosystem when developing applications?
A. Cloud providers will do application development.
B. The development process needs to change.
C. The role of the IT department will change.
D. This can speed up the development process.
Correct Answer: D
New Question 2:
Privacy is the right of________ to selectively disclose information about _________ and restrict the further use of that information by any party.
A. companies, others
B. companies, themselves
C. individuals, others
D. individuals, themselves
Correct Answer: D
New Question 3:
Which of the following IT processes is likely to become more important due to the adoption of cloud computing?
A. Capacity management
B. Troubleshooting management
C. Project management
D. Request fulfillment management
Correct Answer: A
New Question 4:
Which of the following are essential steps to take when creating a virtual server?
A. Select a machine image to run, select an application set to run, select security credentials.
B. Select a machine image to run, select an application set to run, select the size of the virtual machine.
C. Select a machine image to run, select security credentials, select the size of the virtual machine.
D. Select an application set to run, select security credentials, select the size of the virtual machine.
Correct Answer: C
New Question 5:
How can the internal IT department successfully react to cloud computing?
A. By becoming an external cloud provider
B. By becoming an internal cloud provider
C. By outsourcing all IT services
D. By solely focusing on security issues
Correct Answer: B
New Question 6:
Which of the following is a business reason for IT outsourcing and cloud computing?
A. Improving cost structure
B. Improving customer satisfaction
C. Increasing control over IT systems
D. Decrease in security issues
Correct Answer: A
New Question 7:
Which of the following applications is MOST suitable for a cloud computing pilot?
A. Applications that are currently expensive to maintain because of interconnections
B. Applications that are easy to migrate and have some business value
C. Applications with high risk and little business value
D. Legacy applications that are coupled to specific hardware and systems software
Correct Answer: B
New Question 8:
Which of the following is an example of a cloud-related security risk?
A. Losing network connectivity
B. Not having enough software licenses
C. Not knowing what the cloud provider will charge
D. Storing customer data at a provider
Correct Answer: D
New Question 9:
Which of the following is the MOST complex security provisioning problem in a cloud environment?
A. Handling credit cards for purchasing cloud services
B. Keeping track of cloud provider performance
C. Managing users and their rights across multiple providers
D. Software assets that are introduced and can expire
Correct Answer: C
New Question 10:
How can an organization successfully implement a PaaS strategy?
A. Open up internal databases with Web service access.
B. Take inventory of the application portfolio and select external suppliers
C. Standardize on a limited set of virtual machines.
D. Continuously execute performance analytics to monitor providers
Correct Answer: A
New Question 11:
Eucalyptus is open-source software for quickly provisioning virtual servers. This is an example of:
A. PaaS
B. IaaS
C. SaaS.
D. On-demand software.
E. None of the above.
Correct Answer: E
New Question 12:
Why do business users prefer to deal with cloud providers directly, instead of via the IT department?
A. It reduces financial risks to the business
B. The IT department does not accommodate variable costs
C. They can better measure the provider\’s quality
D. They can use their own payment options
Correct Answer: B
New Question 13:
Why does request fulfillment become more complicated in a cloud environment?
A. All processes must become automated.
B. Processes must be redesigned with the user experience in mind.
C. The IT service team must be expanded.
D. Users should be aware of the benefits before changes to the process are incorporated
Correct Answer: B
New Question 14:
Why are traditional chargeback systems not compatible with cloud computing?
A. Cloud computing is low cost and does not accommodate charge back fees
B. Cloud computing can be more expensive than in-house capacity
C. Licensing models can become outdated quickly
D. Resources that are used can fluctuate throughout the budget cycle
Correct Answer: D
New Question 15:
Which represents the MOST important business continuity risk?
A. Incomplete Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
B. Network connectivity interruption
C. Privacy laws
D. Providers going out of business
Correct Answer: D
leads4pass CLO-001 dumps have been updated to the latest version. It has been verified by the actual test room and is real and effective. It is the best exam material for the CompTIA Cloud Essentials certification exam. Download CLO-001 dumps with PDF and VCE:https://www.leads4pass.com/clo-001.html (275 Q&As)
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